Welcome to my page!
Hi, I am Debanjali Biswas.
I am presently pursuing my Ph.D. at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Stefan Dietze.
Prior to this, I earned my Master's degree in Intelligent Systems from the University of Bonn in early 2020. Following that, I served as a research associate at both Saarland University and the University of Bonn until late 2021, before transitioning to GESIS in January 2022. My research interests include Knowledge Graphs, Language models, Link prediction/Knowledge Graph Construction, Machine Learning/Deep Learning, and Semantic Web.
I am from Kolkata, India, but I currently reside in Köln, Germany. In my free time, I like to dance, paint and travel.
June: Attended International Semantic Web Research Summer School (ISWS 2024) at Bertinoro, Italy.
November: Attended ISWC 2023 at Athens, Germany. Presented a poster at the 1st Workshop on Knowledge Base Construction from Pre-Trained Language Models (KBC-LM).
January: Started working as a Research Associate at GESIS.
October: Started working as a Research Associate at the University of Bonn.
July: Accepted at Lisbon Machine Learning Summer School 2021.
December: Started working as a Research Associate at Saarland University.
September: Graduated from the University of Bonn with a Master's degree in Computer Science.
August: Accepted at the virtual summer school: Deep Learning for Language Analysis for the track Deep Learning with Audio & Speech Data, given by Joscha Rieber (Fraunhofer IAIS).
August: Accepted at Summer School of Machine Learning at Skoltech (SMILES), where I received the opportunity to present my poster on my scientific paper. [Link]
April: Submitted master thesis on "Natural Language Generation (NLG) for Question Answering (QA) Systems". Additionally, converted it into a scientific paper titled "VANiLLa : Verbalised Answers in Natural Language at Large scale".